Life on Other Planets

25/09/2013 09:08

    I believe there is life on other planets because in Guru Granth Sahib Ji it says, ""There are planets, solar systems and galaxies. If one speaks of them, there is no limit, no end. There are worlds upon worlds of His creation." "There are billions of regions and planets. There are billions of moons, suns and stars." Another reason I believe that there is life on other planets is becuase scientists have already discovered a few exoplanets of Earth.

    Two of the planets found are the Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f. These two planets orbit a sun which is smaller than ours. Seeing from where these planets are located, and how far they are from the sun, scientists believe that they have water/seas. The scientists say that the life on those planets would be underwater, and they wonder if the life there would be as technology advanced as us or not.

    I think the living beings on Kelper-62e and Kelper-62f would have gills and would appear like fish or water creatures because it is believed that life there would live under water. The living beings could look like anything, depending on how the environment or how their world looks like and feels like. I think they'd have more eyes than us because their worlds are bigger than our Earth. They would have one nose with two nostrils, one mouth, two webbed feet to swim underwater, webbed hands, a dorsal fin, a tail fin, gills, and scales.

    I do honestly think that there is life on other planets which we will hopefully meets some day and I think the living organisms that live in Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f would be fish-like because the living things there would be underwater according to scientists. That's my thoughts on life on other planets.