Welcome to My Website

Hi! This is my English 8 website. Anything you need is on the menu, to the left. Here, on my website, I have everything I'm learning this year in English 8! From Stories to Poetry, Poetry to Novels, and other interesting units. Hope you like my website so far! Here are some quotes that I find interesting!

You can view all my digital artifacts at: English Digital Artifacts


Alexander Graham Bell was pure genius and

I just love this quote.  


I've seen this quote in many of my classes, and I find it inspiring for



I love reading! And the best way to do it is by being calm. 


A quote by Albert Einstein, which I find very true. 


This is a quote by Dr.Seuss which tells us that reading is the key to learning.


Winter Poem

13/01/2014 17:25
Winter Poem When each day is getting shorter,  we know we're close to winter. Snow comes...

How I Feel About Poetry

04/12/2013 09:14
     I find poetry interesting because each poem always has a deep meaning. I enjoy...

Nothing Gold Can Stay

13/11/2013 08:45
Nothing Gold Can Stay Nature's first green is gold,  Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's...

Advice to Johnny and Ponyboy

06/11/2013 09:00
    Johnny and Ponyboy hid in a abandoned church, after Bob's murder. I think...

The Outsiders Gang Response

06/11/2013 08:50
    I think there are many reasons to why kids join gangs. One reason would be...

Fairy Tale Character Monologue

23/10/2013 08:27
Greetings friends,     Many people know me as a scary, ugly creature. Not...

Life on Other Planets

25/09/2013 09:08
    I believe there is life on other planets because in Guru Granth Sahib Ji it...

"Goalie" Response

18/09/2013 22:10
December 23rd/13 Diary     I hate it! I hate the equipment. But I have to wear...

Greek Mythology